- video Scott made during his fellowship last week about a community theater in Missouri – The Lyceum, in Arrow Rock: http://tr.im/uiTv #
- @adamd affirmative! #
- so, who’s gonna kill me if I say that it’s 70F (or possibly cooler?) in my basement? #
- sorry, no party at my place 🙂 i am driving out to beaverton (in the heat!) to have dinner with my mom tonight. some other heatwave! #
- RT @snaga: RT @HackerNews: RethinkDB (YC S09): MySQL Storage Engine Built From The Ground Up For SSD http://ez.ly/rr #
- hrm. @emmajanedotnet not a fan of @david_a_eaves remix to be honest.puts a barrier between “this is dumb” and “i can do something about it”. #
- community managers are helpful, but transitory. goal should be to work self out of a job by mentoring/training others in community building. #
- .@kreneskyp burnout is high, and better to ack that. then share the responsibility for growth/harmony. #
- @emmajanedotnet 🙂 did read the text. disagree with putting comm mgmt between user/dev. like @webchick’s ideas better. #
- @emmajanedotnet preaching to the choir! 🙂 #
- @emmajanedotnet right. @webchick’s diagram reveals more of the complexity (overlapping) that i experience. feel like hers is more relevant. #
- @david_a_eaves i’m a fan of your blog (collaboration/cooperation thoughts especially). just wary of putting barriers between think & do. #
- @rasmus oh, suck. #
- @jefferymcmanus i’m pointing out the value of teaching and sharing. to me – it’s like saying you have to have the same teacher forever. #
- @jeffreymcmanus community management as a role should exist. just not forever 🙂 have the same feeling about sysadmins & i play both roles. #
- @jeffreymcmanus ahhh 🙂 yes, slippery term.thinking of dev+user communities & building direct person-person connections. not building brand. #
- having parallelized wtf moments with slony right now. #
- @christiekoehler in canada? 🙂 #
- thermometer went from 91F->82F in the last 30 minutes. mmm. #
- @BoscoWoo my guess: full 😀 #
- giving in. good night! #
- coffee. mmmm. #
- My thoughts on community management (followup from yesterday): http://tr.im/uLJM #
- @e_monty did you resolve your coffee outage? #
- i admit it: i like me some emancipation of mimi in the morning. #
- yay! RT @turnstep: Adding sequences to Bucardo! #
- Looking forward to cucumber martinis. #
- @tzutzanu ours will have lime in ’em 🙂 in reply to tzutzanu #
- @rikkikite cheers! And happy vacation! in reply to rikkikite #
- dirt + bicycles == fuck yeah. #
- @SyntaxPolice why yes, I have! 🙂 was thinking about this fall again…. but need a bike. *gears in head turn further* #
- Hikes are awesome! Cape Horn Trail http://tr.im/vcbm #
- OH: birkenstocks? NO. #
- @pjf not to wear to a wedding 🙂 but, i don’t judge! I just overhear 😉 #
- @mherrick66 its a relatively new trail, maintained by friends of the gorge. definitely worth it! beautiful. #
- @LeahRosin 🙁 i wonder if the people running that plant also bathe and drink from that river. might adjust their behavior if they had to. #
- @jchris I like VirtualBox. #