- at @nedspace. have a cute dog named ace curled up at my feet. #
- @brampitoyo yeah! will be here all week. 🙂 #
- @robtreat2 embrace and extend 🙂 #
- falafel for lunch. yum. #
- @bpauly were you in that photo? #
- @thedr9wningman perhaps next time! although, likely, i’ll BMOL tomorrow. #
- @mutle try adding ‘-l mylog’ to your pg_ctl command. also make sure that you don’t have ‘silent_mode = on’ #
- Helped w/ an awesome project! RT @chrismessina Announcing redesign of http://openid.net! http://bit.ly/oidf_v2 #openid (via @amandaspeaking) #
- @markgross +1 #
- Saw @WardCunningham this morning riding to work! Looking forward to Ace (the dog) getting in to say good morning to me. #
- Who’s up for making bike stands? http://bit.ly/BRKW2 #
Monthly Archives: August 2009
twittering on 2009-08-11
- Saw @WardCunningham this morning riding to work! Looking forward to Ace (the dog) getting in to say good morning to me. #
- Who’s up for making bike stands? http://bit.ly/BRKW2 #
twittering on 2009-08-10
- at @nedspace. have a cute dog named ace curled up at my feet. #
- @brampitoyo yeah! will be here all week. 🙂 #
- @robtreat2 embrace and extend 🙂 #
- falafel for lunch. yum. #
- @bpauly were you in that photo? #
- @thedr9wningman perhaps next time! although, likely, i’ll BMOL tomorrow. #
- @mutle try adding ‘-l mylog’ to your pg_ctl command. also make sure that you don’t have ‘silent_mode = on’ #
- Helped w/ an awesome project! RT @chrismessina Announcing redesign of http://openid.net! http://bit.ly/oidf_v2 #openid (via @amandaspeaking) #
- @markgross +1 #
Weekly tweet digest for 2009-08-09
- listening to sweet mix from @petdance to start my morning. #
- @kuslahne you can change pg_hba.conf login method to ‘trust’ for localhost (if you’re talking about the user *inside* the db),then reset pw #
- @gorthx yay! sadly, no need for my detailed explanation of why it failed anymore. #
- RT @caseorganic: Cheap Shit Condos – a blog (with images) of cheap crappy condos in Seattle. Pretty awesome. http://bit.ly/AAZ2J #
- @operatic i hope he’s ok. #
- @donpdonp @robotadam hmmm… for my $meridiem (qw/am pm/) { print map { $_ . $meridiem . ‘ ‘} (12,1..11); } #
- awesome! RT @oregonian: Oregon becomes one of 12 states to cover all kids with health insurance http://bit.ly/deWK #
- @dberkholz its like a trailer to the movie! #
- @AaronThul are you trying to catch one for a pet? #
- @leisa been enjoying that album for a couple weeks now 😀 #
- @Seeger angle grinder? http://bit.ly/yPIT9 #
- @psnively @viktorklang scala in postgres sounds awesome. #
- wikifying. #
- Looking forward to a trip out on a sail boat this afternoon with @gorthx & pals. #
- On out way out http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3789933211 #
- Sailing! http://yfrog.com/0mctuaj #
- Sailing in the other direction! http://yfrog.com/281qylj #
- Beaches!
http://yfrog.com/5eim7kj # - @adamd @jnyp32 congrats! 😀 #
- @obra you’re going to do great! good luck. #
- awake. coffee? yes. #
- @mizd it’s ok. i won’t judge you. #
- @BoscoWoo you’re in seattle?! #
- @mizd <blush> 🙂 #
- RT @outsidein: Sure to be the viral (hyperlocal) YouTube video of the summer: Intro to StoryMaps! http://bit.ly/lye3r #
- the best morning combo ever: coffee + the MAKE-UP. can i hear u say yea? #
- also, i never tire of miho atori and yuka honda. #
- @turoczy @thesethings let’s not get started with Twin Falls rock trivia either! built to spill? motley crue? #
- i’m on to the blow up. hands off! #
- @pgsnake its cloudy and delightfully cool in portland today 🙂 #
- @pgsnake of course! and a pond, patio, lawn chairs and an outdoor movie screen! #
- @Mark_Antony @magnushagander @pgsnake I’d be happy to host. please don’t bring your own beer though 😀 #
- RT @mtrichardson: Whoah. Laurelhurst is showing Blue Velvet. http://laurelhursttheater.com/showtimes.html #
- @mage2k PABST BLUE RIBBON! http://bit.ly/tlwWw #
- #lessthanidealfirstdatemovies: monster’s ball #
- @mikeal was just talking about that place the other day! noted 🙂 #
- portland twilight crit is tonight #hotbikes http://www.portlandtwilight.com/ #
- truncating tables: so satisfying. #
- getting a desk at @nedspace! #
- @dietrich downtown! #
- @jnyp32 more bike rides in my future! 🙂 #
- headed out to take pictures at the portland twilight crit! #bikesrule #
- Riders! #portlandcrit
http://yfrog.com/17g7phj # - Pros, 1, 2 about to start #portlandcrit
http://bit.ly/KE1vV # - Molly is chasing the leaders! #portlandcrit
http://bit.ly/KE1vV # - #portlandcrit photos are very exciting. i <3 bike racing. #
- @StevenWalling I <3 @WardCunningham’s short video interviews. awesome idea! #
- Photos from tonight’s portland twilight critierium http://tr.im/vY4y #hotbikes #portland #bikerace #
- 12 mi ride to rocky butte today. Thinking about cross season 🙂 #
- First big crash. Blowout, no serious injuries. one rider out but walking #portlandcrit #
- Omg can’t wait for cross season #portlandcrit #
- @sumwan haven’t heard about pricing.. opensqlcamp.org in pdx will be free! nov 14-15 http://bit.ly/1L8U1g #
- just got a specialized crossroads frame for bike. making a components list. #
- @thesethings @jeffreymcmanus if i had been drinking something, i’d be snorting it out my nose right now. #
- i admit it. i just bought a headset off craigslist. #crossbike #obsessive #
twittering on 2009-08-09
- First big crash. Blowout, no serious injuries. one rider out but walking #portlandcrit #
- Omg can’t wait for cross season #portlandcrit #
- @sumwan haven’t heard about pricing.. opensqlcamp.org in pdx will be free! nov 14-15 http://bit.ly/1L8U1g #
- just got a specialized crossroads frame for bike. making a components list. #
- @thesethings @jeffreymcmanus if i had been drinking something, i’d be snorting it out my nose right now. #
- i admit it. i just bought a headset off craigslist. #crossbike #obsessive #
twittering on 2009-08-08
- 12 mi ride to rocky butte today. Thinking about cross season 🙂 #
twittering on 2009-08-07
- the best morning combo ever: coffee + the MAKE-UP. can i hear u say yea? #
- also, i never tire of miho atori and yuka honda. #
- @turoczy @thesethings let’s not get started with Twin Falls rock trivia either! built to spill? motley crue? #
- i’m on to the blow up. hands off! #
- @pgsnake its cloudy and delightfully cool in portland today 🙂 #
- @pgsnake of course! and a pond, patio, lawn chairs and an outdoor movie screen! #
- @Mark_Antony @magnushagander @pgsnake I’d be happy to host. please don’t bring your own beer though 😀 #
- RT @mtrichardson: Whoah. Laurelhurst is showing Blue Velvet. http://laurelhursttheater.com/showtimes.html #
- @mage2k PABST BLUE RIBBON! http://bit.ly/tlwWw #
- #lessthanidealfirstdatemovies: monster’s ball #
- @mikeal was just talking about that place the other day! noted 🙂 #
- portland twilight crit is tonight #hotbikes http://www.portlandtwilight.com/ #
- truncating tables: so satisfying. #
- getting a desk at @nedspace! #
- @dietrich downtown! #
- @jnyp32 more bike rides in my future! 🙂 #
- headed out to take pictures at the portland twilight crit! #bikesrule #
- Riders! #portlandcrit
http://yfrog.com/17g7phj # - Pros, 1, 2 about to start #portlandcrit
http://bit.ly/KE1vV # - Molly is chasing the leaders! #portlandcrit
http://bit.ly/KE1vV # - #portlandcrit photos are very exciting. i <3 bike racing. #
- @StevenWalling I <3 @WardCunningham’s short video interviews. awesome idea! #
- Photos from tonight’s portland twilight critierium http://tr.im/vY4y #hotbikes #portland #bikerace #