twittering on 2009-07-07

  • @adronbh @jasonmauer thanks!! #
  • suggestion via @jasonmauer, @adronbh: go with The Art of Unit Testing: with Examples in .NET #
  • Thanks to @petereisentraut, give us feedback on what should go into 8.5! #
  • @neil_conway cool idea re: password caching #
  • @morganpdx number of sides? 🙂 #
  • @jchris gross! 😀 #
  • haha. delighted to be scheduled for a pie date! #
  • And with the downpour and thunderstorm, DNS completely fails. Time for dinner! #
  • headed to Idanre Hill tomorrow morning. Then class + code dojo in the afternoon. now? sleep 🙂 #
  • Another 20+ photos added to the flickr set for the nigeria trip, starting with this: #

FOSS resources and articles related to Africa

I spent a little time over the weekend gathering information about free and open source software in Africa, and found at least one active pan-African FOSS organization (FOSSFA), and several interesting articles about governments in Africa using FOSS to open data, and make government more accountable. It seems that the Shuttleworth Foundation sponsors projects, although it wasn’t clear to me whether that sponsorship was primarily for South African projects.

If you know of user groups, other active FOSS organizations in sub-Saharan Africa, or want to suggest interesting research or articles – please leave a comment!

I’ve collected everything as PDFs and uploaded it to I’m also going to link the original sources below.

Here are some articles about Microsoft Windows and Linux competition in Africa:

The most disturbing thing I found was a Wall Street Journal article from October 2008. The WSJ investigated reports that Microsoft had used relatives of government officials to try to get Windows onto government purchased laptops, and also chronicled the failure of a windows-based lab made of refurbished machines that was essentially abandoned, with only 1/3 of the promised computers installed and little or no training for the local staff to maintain the machines and software. Sad and frustrating story.

There’s also a recent blog post about Brazil and open source from the OSI. That report is anecdotal, so I’m taking it with a grain of salt. Still, it is disappointing.

If you are interested in sponsoring travel for an African government official to Open Source Bridge next year, please get in touch. I have met several technologists here in Nigeria who are interested in sharing their experiences implementing free and open source software in Africa. I am encouraging them to also attend open source events in West Africa, but as it turns out, travel inside of Africa is still quite difficult.

twittering on 2009-07-05

twittering on 2009-07-05

twittering on 2009-07-04

  • @thesethings concern re: goog apps is inconsistent & slow inet to outside.gonna have internal microwave links between cities… #
  • @thesethings but fiber to outside world? totally crappy, no good upgrades on horizon. need to have service internal to country. #
  • First few photos from Lagos & Akure, Nigeria – #
  • @richburroughs yup. working with state government on implementing a census database. #
  • @kindrawoo I am here until July 11th! This weekend: attending parties with state employees 🙂 #
  • Listening to Governor Mimiko speak at the Labor Party celebration for Dr. Adelola’s appointment #
  • “Ondo state was known as the reference point for education in Nigeria. Now, I cannot say the same.” -Mimiko #
  • “We must be competitive globally and must focus on education.” -Mimiko #
  • Favorite picture of Mimiko from today’s event: #

twittering on 2009-07-03

  • wishing more sites had mobile editions for low bandwidth access. #
  • Post about my first day in Nigeria – #
  • At SITEDEC in Akure #
  • @dapxin thanks for the tip! #
  • @markgross so excited that you’re at toorcamp. #
  • Having a beer at the Bliss Hotel bar with Cyril and Deji #
  • dear internet: what “enterprise” open source package would you recommend for email + calendaring? please help me save a gov’t from Exchange. #
  • @jasonmauer well, srsly, do you defend exchange? MSSQL does cool isht, but Exchange? um, no. #realtalk #
  • @schmichael awesome. will keep u posted. consensus so far: Zimbra #
  • @jasonmauer yes, my enterprise experience was oversell and underdeliver 🙁 nothing personal, just lots of “got burned” #