- I want “I <3 transactional DDL” tshirts and stickers. #PostgreSQL #
- sad that @cubespacepdx is closing. thank you for housing BarCampPortland, SideProject2Startup and providing goldfish with M&Ms #
- @seeger thank you! 😀 #
- Working through that Refactoring SQL book, here’s what @gorthx and I did this weekend: http://snurl.com/jqq3z #postgres #
- @sv_troutgirl come visit us in pdx for @osbridge. i’ve seen mentions of carpools 🙂 #
- i <3 #zombiepickuplines #
- We didn’t have a bet or anything, but I think @spinnerin is going to win re: “everyone registering at the last minute for @osbridge” 🙂 #
- i want to gather up all the #osbridge tweets and hug them. #