Monthly Archives: May 2009
Manufacturing Participation
I want to talk about a couple things today during my unfortunately named “architecting participation” session at BarCampPortland. My goals for participation are to get people to an event or be part of an open source group and then to get them to keep coming back.
The three things I’m going to touch on are: inviting in and making people feel welcome, making people feel useful, and making things fun.
With the ultimate goal being world domination of free and open source software.
We’ll see how it goes 🙂
twittering on 2009-05-01
- whew. busy morning. #
- @mherrick66 i wear my sunglasses at night. #
- @littleidea baby steps 😀 #
- BYOL to @barcampportland (that’s lanyard, people) #