- getting ready for the keynote #pgcon #
- infiltration of !postgres community is nearly complete. welcome, @pgsnake! #pgcon #
- OH “I’m not the sales guy.” #pgcon 🙂 #
- thanks #pythian for dinner and great pub conversation last night. i think @paulvallee helped get @pgsnake into twitter. #pgcon #
- @pgsnake you can link to conversations (evidence for later! :D), and there’s a firehose pointed from twitter to google. #
- lightning talks for #pgcon are shaping up! http://tr.im/m0nD #
- @gorthx the talks will be taped! #pgcon #
- @yodermk go for it! #pgcon #
- RT @niczak: MySQL: Forked beyond repair? — http://tinyurl.com/ocy586 — I definitely saw this coming, I see a bright future for PostgreSQL. #
- “anytime you get a new piece of hardware you should benchmark it!” greg smith #pgcon #
- @fuzzychef i don’t claim that. again, i think we should watch, learn and be prepared to solve these same problems. #
- @fuzzychef and wrt community involvement, postgres has done things right that other projects now emulate. #
- @brampitoyo happy birthday 🙂 #
- “Have a 7200 RPM drive — 120 commits per minute is the speed of light as far as commits are concerned!” greg smith #pgcon #
- Why does your computer get slower the more you’re using it? Because you’re filling up your disk and starting to use the slower part #pgcon #
- @krinstinatufte happy birthday! 😀 #
- woo! greg smith linked to our presentations about filesystem I/O http://tr.im/m1bm #pgcon #
- notes from greg’s talk, and his awesome slides will be up soon. http://tr.im/m1fp #pgcon #
- in the openstreetmap talk #pgcon #
- RT @brianaker: New release of Drizzle! http://is.gd/C6Rr #
- @brampitoyo having a fabulous time. giving a talk at 5pm, and then another tomorrow morning. busy busy! 🙂 #
- @SueB24 is true at a lot of conferences. would like it if more women submitted talks. travel costs (time & $) were an issue this year #