twittering on 2009-04-07

  • @xdeadcodex i would save some for you, but you’re a bit far away. #
  • @spinnerin hook a sister up! 🙂 #
  • @robtreat2 i think that qualifies as addiction 😉 #
  • RT @Crad: @robtreat2 winning a netbook at the PostgreSQL East Conference: #pgEast #
  • RT @endpoint: Subverting Subversion for Fun and Profit #
  • @turoczy you can rip my fax machine from my cold dead hands! #
  • @magnushagander whatever! you europeans and your fancy technology! #
  • RT @littleidea: MapReduce MacGyver Style #bash #awk #sysadminoverloards #
  • RT @OReillyMedia: RT @osbridge: Curious about the keynote presenters at Open Source Bridge? Here are the first three: #
  • @missrogue the @osbridge team would love to have you present at our conference. Have you checked us out? #
  • @missrogue I know the feeling. if it helps: one idea we were interested in was introducing/encouraging open culture in corps. have others. #
  • @webchick its always the reverse of what I expect 😀 #
  • annoyed at thunderbird’s default folder collation. #
  • uh oh, @osbridge may have to step up our providing for OCW hackers or @linuxplumbers might lure them away! #
  • to this end, pie is currently being baked. #
  • @portlandpieoff lemon meringue #mmmpie lemon bars may be next. #
  • @markgross don’t make me raise you fresh berry tarts! #
  • @reidab that seems like a very @osbridgebot way to approach the situation. #
  • I guess i’m going to have to eat this entire lasagna myself! #