- @rms happy birthday 🙂 #
- @bkuhn writing them for a perl-based monitor for postgres. 🙂 try @schwern, @chromatic if you’re looking for more test-love. #
- @bkuhn YEAH! <high five> <chest bump> i’ve seen @schwern write Actual Tests[tm] — for the record 😉 #
- @bkuhn don’t mind them. actually, please make fun of them more 🙂 #
- when’s heroes again? #
- @bkuhn that’s good actually, because I’m about 3 episodes behind right now. #
- @Tallulah77 thx, sweets 🙂 #
- RT @ahockley: Processing some photos for @osbridge. Have I mentioned the view from their 24 hour hacker lounge will be awesome? #
- mysql restricting adwords? http://tr.im/hs5F [http://tr.im/hs5F] #
- @pjt unfortunately, no. i really wish that we did. #
- loving that my coworker is typing in green today in honor of st. patty’s day. #
- @emmajanedotnet i have the same problem. its more of a programming thing for me. ! == ‘not’, # == ‘comment’ #
- @simon_riggs glad to see you follow @aplusk too 🙂 #
- @merlyn good luck! best wishes for a fast recovery. #
- RT @magnushagander: #postgres updates are out! Get your 8.3.7, 8.2.13, 8.1.17, 8.0.21 and 7.4.25 now! #
- @bkuhn i don’t know that a boycott is the most effective way to make change happen in this case. #
- @bkuhn on an individual level, sure.but if yr trying to change group behavior… #
- @bkuhn …a better approach might be to show how identi.ca [http://identi.ca] is better than twitter on a tech/fun level. #
- @bkuhn i see your milkshake jokes. despite what you claim, you *are* a fun advocate. #
- @bkuhn you can’t fool me. There Will Be Blood was a laugh-riot. 😉 #
- RT @geekygirldawn: My WWD post today talks about community organized conference content w/ quote from @selenamarie http://bit.ly/ygF2p #
- @geekygirldawn hah! nice choice on the pic 🙂 and thanks for interviewing me! #
- pizza dough rising on the counter. #
- @Ron_Barrett haha thanks. been quoted before, but very happy to be on wwd. #
- @ahockley let us be your lifeline! what’s the question? 🙂 #
Monthly Archives: March 2009
twittering on 2009-03-16
- RT @garethgreenaway: SCALE 7x Keynote 1, Bradley Kuhn: http://is.gd/nym3 SCALE 7x Keynote 2, Joe Brockmeier: http://is.gd/nymt #
- OH: “I am working on the 8.4 release notes now” #
- RT @arjenvrielink: interesting read about the nature of OS projects http://tinyurl.com/d3tybp #
- /me waves to @bmomjian #
- hey pdx tweeps: financial planner recommendations? looking probably for three to meet with. #
- @dkeskar thanks for the heads up! #
- making barley soup #
- @eximious TACOOOOOOS!!!!! #
- kitchen smells delicious. #
- @emmajanedotnet kittens can be delicious as well. not that i would know. #
- @emmajanedotnet I can see it now, “git advocate knows kittens taste like chicken.” i see how you roll! #gitvsbzr #
- @gchaix +1 🙂 #
- crock pot is going. settling in to write tests for a couple hours. #
twittering on 2009-03-15
- @wefollow #postgres #community #osbridge #
- packing up for hackathon. #
- at ristretto on N williams and mason #
- @ichae oh noes! are you back in pdx now? #
- @xolotl +1 🙂 #
- @gorthx YAY! welcome back! #
- trying to be discrete about eying the back table…. #
- wishing someone would make me a metal mixtape. sending email. #
- @markgross thanks for the @osbridge submission! ROBOTS. #
- Working with @osbridge http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3357278036 #
- @TechJournalist take a look at http://www.opensourcebridge.org 🙂 #
twittering on 2009-03-14
- @karichisholm I claim bernie’s beats the sidedoor anyday. It’s on! 🙂 in reply to karichisholm #
- @xdeadcodex eat a dessert for me, pls. in reply to xdeadcodex #
- The party is at the How Can Be tonite…@ 10pm (via @mildwail) in reply to mildwail #
- @AE3nn for fun 🙂 in reply to AE3nn #
- @kinnndarrr lolz and starbucks! in reply to kinnndarrr #
- Want to help us get the word out about @osbridge? Handy web badges now online! http://opensourcebridge.org/web-badges/ (via @reidab) adorbs! in reply to reidab #
- @atreat belated, but drinking stumptown French roast blend from a press. Really good 🙂 #
- @AE3nn it’d be pretty hard to make a comprehensive list in 140 char #
- @dlangille worried about a $client machine, but all’s good. headed back to bed 🙂 #
- consumerreports.org FTW! #
twittering on 2009-03-13
- Slides from this afternoon’s CouchDB talk are posted: http://tinyurl.com/burwvf (via @jchris) in reply to jchris #
- RT @emmajanedotnet: Launched! http://www.bzrvsgit.com and http://www.gitvsbzr.com w/more info at http://emmajane.net/node/903. #gitvsbzr #git #bzr #
- @nerdliness glad to hear you’ll be joining us 🙂 networking FTW! #
- RT @turnstep: I read through this and found myself saying “Yep, Postgres has that, Postgres can do that too…” http://is.gd/ncIn #
- @osbridgebot why not put the robot where your tweet is? i don’t see an @osbridgebot presentation anywhere. #
- @sumwan please come and i’ll buy you a beer to help ease the pain next week at the PDXPUG meeting 🙂 #
- @nerdliness wow! that’s awesome. love that your boss recognized the networking/ideas value. ++ #
- got word from #gsoc IRC that this project is out there http://trac.sahanapy.org/ (i’m lookin at you @cheeseinspector) #
- @tonyyarusso do you think i’d let her pick bzrvsgit? HAHAHAHA #gitvsbzr #
- RT @LeahRosin: Tech women #followfriday @dexin @fridgebuzz @angelinaward @hldrake @tmycann @PariseauTT @rachelbaker @tamcarter @padmasree #
- tech women #followfriday:@br3nda @sarahsharp @spinnerin @erl @aurynn @gorthx @lauracowen @SarahDavies @kristinatufte @thesethings #
- (those women are programmers and sysadmins, primarily 🙂 #
twittering on 2009-03-12
- oooh. new version of chess with friends out! #
- @markgross clearly you should do an interesting project for @osbridge 🙂 #
- totally excited that Greg K-H submitted a proposal for @osbridge http://tr.im/hgHK #
- @jdub thank you!! we are so excited. #
- totally excited about secret project with @donpdonp and @samkeen #
- sweet @osbridge tweet aggregator courtesy of @reidab. thanks! 🙂 http://tr.im/hh2z #
- find out what Greg K-H’s command-line is up to at @gregkh #
- #seriously, @turoczy http://tr.im/hhid #
- RT @drnormal RT @siliconflorist: In bloom: SERIOUSLY Big day for Open Source Bridge http://tinyurl.com/c3x5zc #seriously #
- RT @magnushagander: Yeah, we knew even MySQL agrees that MVCC is good these days.. But why so many? LOL: http://is.gd/n2dS #
- ugh. morning. #
- @brianaker i signed up 🙂 http://tinyurl.com/cem69j #
- @RockMonkey try SEQUENCE http://tr.im/him1 #
- @RockMonkey or, if specifying in a CREATE TABLE, try SERIAL http://tr.im/himq #
- @jnyp32 i love your tweets. #
- coffee is improving my attitude incredibly. #
- @StevenWalling I like @brianaker’s comment 🙂 in reply to StevenWalling #
- @jchris loved your presentation! best of luck in amsterdam 🙂 #
twittering on 2009-03-11
- @ramereth i’ll see you at OSCON (although doubtless sooner 🙂 #
- @evan thanks so much for your submission to !osbridge 🙂 🙂 #
- hatching plans to make trouble with @markwkm #
- congrats @johnmark 🙂 #
- @schwern awesome! #
- @pjf i am slightly afraid of the possibility of cosplay. #
- can someone recommend a good high-level document/blog post/resource on logo design? @brampitoyo, @reidab, @muckp? #
- @thesethings muchas gracias. #
- i’m sure @eggyknap has already seen this but: http://lol.whygitisbetterthanx.com/ #
- @spinnerin sounds rad! 🙂 #
- @muckp thanks so much for the pointers. love logopond. #
- @brampitoyo thanks so much for the logonotions link. will investigate! #
- @depesz_com that link was hilarious. #
- wondering if i could talk @Kram into taking a picture of me for my twavatar. #
- for the non-lolcode speakers (HAI @depesz_com): http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/ #
- @emmajanedotnet which is why we need to do the git vs bzr talk 😉 plus i think git could learn some UI stuff from bzr. #
- RT @WardCunningham: I’m speaking tonight at local ham club. Writing a talk tracing ham radio influence on wiki. Theme is “protocol”. #
- what happens when you run a SELECT? RT @planetpostgres: Bruce Momjian: Query Source Code Flow Diagram Completed http://tr.im/hfuM #
- @emmajanedotnet re #gitvsbzr yes! lets start the melee now 🙂 #
- @emmajanedotnet well we already broke the first rule #gitvsbzr #
- RT @eggyknap: @magnushagander: you can’t pin such a thing on me (but Git is still better than X) #gitvsbzr #
- listening to aa bondy again. #
- @davewiner thanks so much for noticing us! would love to have you join us. #
- Stuck on steel bridge after lunch 2.0 #
- RT @donpdonp: http://calagator.org is actually starting to exceed upcoming.org on portland event content. “data is the new intel inside”. #
- thanks @opensourcery for a great free lunch at lunch 2.0! 🙂 #
twittering on 2009-03-10
- @DreamHostHoncho had a problem with my private server being moved (without notification :(), and its now resolved. situation kinda sucky. #
- observing @markwkm installing latest HP donation for #p4 performance testing lab over irc #
- why yes, i am excited to have the repo! the genetic opera dvd to watch this evening. #
- @StephStricklen graffiti often sucks.worth reading wikipedia entry.lotsa amazing art/protest from it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graffiti #
- At the Schnitz, gonna listen to Fareed Zacharia. #
- @DreamHostHoncho it was Thursday. DH staff explained the problem. I get it. Bummed it was me. I rec’d some ops testing and a vrfication step in reply to DreamHostHoncho #
- @StephStricklen yeah, not cool. Just responding to the ‘never understand’. I call that vandalism, not graffiti. Agree there’s crossover in reply to StephStricklen #
- @eximious ouch. #
- @eximious me too. my mom’s name is ‘colleen’ 🙂 #
- @eximious i feel a little superstitious about my heritage given that st. patty’s day played a key role in my relationship with my husband 😉 #
- great post by @lhawthorn on issues faced by educators in adoption of FLOSS http://tr.im/hdVF #
- @thesethings i believe in it. city+food production=livable wish i was better at it 🙂 but, you know, gotta start somewhere. #
twittering on 2009-03-09
- @jchris me! 🙂 in reply to jchris #
- @shiny RAD! re: laconica #
- @Ron_Barrett today? likely, but I need to stay pretty close to my house. So, somewhere in NE portland? #
- @shawnlevy try tweetie! it is worth it. #
- http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3341990250 #
- @Ron_Barrett not attending the speech. can make it to pandera. 12:30? #
- @shawnlevy no groups, AFAIK, sadly. #
- back from interesting meeting with @Ron_Barrett. back to work! #
twittering on 2009-03-08
- @spinnerin have a good trip 🙂 in reply to spinnerin #
- @kevinmarks I’d say no re: watchmen. for violence, mostly. #
- considering hacking somewhere in NE pdx. suggestions? #
- @cscotta thanks for the suggestion! haven’t been to townshends. will check it out this week. #
- @brianstearns @camikaos best of birthdays to you both 🙂 #
- oops @bryanstearns 🙂 #
- Plans to leave house somewhat less exciting in the snow. #
- @adamd ok ok – tell me where, and i’ll get off my duff 🙂 #
- @betsywhim rad! i love the flavour spot. #
- learned that you don’t need ‘=’ in your postgresql.conf today. this brought to you by guc-file.l #