How to have fun, PostgreSQL-style
Those of you in town on Friday evening are welcome to join us at Paddy’s at 6pm for dinner:
Paddy’s Bar & Grill
65 SW Yamhill St
Portland, OR 97204
The reservation is under ‘Selena’, and we’ll be sitting in the front. The MAX runs directly in front of the restaurant.
Food is good – vegetarian-friendly, but not necessarily vegan or gluten-free. Those looking for those types of food options, let me know – there are actually excellent places nearby to eat, and you could join us a little later for socializing after a proper meal.
I’ll be directing those that want dinner at the Code Sprint over there – so I asked for 20 seats. Please comment or email me if you plan to attend, so that I can ask for more space if we fill up.
This isn’t a sponsored dinner – so we’ll all go dutch, unless a generous member of a company would like to sponsor us 🙂
I imagine several members of PDXPUG will be there. Can’t wait to see you all!