- @TiEsQue maybe selectsmart? http://snurl.com/22fa9 #
- enjoyed nytimes magazine editorial on hapa kids. just was talking about chinese/caucasian kids with friend at postgresql meeting. #
- @TiEsQue did you look at that site? it has sources, it isn’t about his social skills
- @TiEsQue here’s what I read: huffington post, NYTimes Caucus blog, Daily KOS, Blue Oregon. I watch CSPAN and CNN coverage, and even FOX. #
- @TiEsQue I imagine @grigs has some good resources, but to really get in depth coverage, I find I have to read a lot, from several sources. #
- other sources: also the economist, the nation, youtube http://tinyurl.com/2wach6, the oregonian and even that stupid willamette week article #
- and I’m just gonna come out in say it: much analysis is overrated and wrong. people should trust their own judgment more-primary sources FTW #
- @jtkeith yeah! good one. #
- and WIM by "primary sources" is: look at what candidates say and do, not what analysts think about what they say and do. #
- @TiEsQue sure – but who do you trust for summary? i like huff post, but know they are biased; economist is good, but also biased. #
- @xolotl
i’d talk about this all day long if i could. i’m happy when people pick an issue, research it and decide for themselves. #
- @wendemm thanks for the link